3 - Git, SQL


  • Introduction to Git
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Exercises for self-study


  • Git is the version control system these days: We learn what it is and how to use it
  • Plenty of simply examples for you to try
    • Starting from ‘git as a time machine’ allowing access to earlier versions of files
    • Branches from simple ‘will this work’ to separating alternate work
    • Next are merging, then remote operations, pull requests
    • We also get to GitHub, the most promiment and visible hosting site
    • GitHub enables social coding and collaboration
  • SQL (Structured Query Language) is maybe the most common data processing language
    • We will learn the basics of relational daya and schema
    • SQL commands: select; where; select distinct; select limit
    • SQL command join and its variants for combining table
    • SQL command group by for grouped operations

Core Material

Lecture Slides

Lecture Videos

The core videos which complement the slides are the (now captioned) versions of the 2021 course. As the captions may obstruct some of the displayed code, we also show the uncaptioned original versions.


Extra Reading Suggestions

Further References

Julia Evans

A few of her comics made it onto the lecture slides. Here are some more related to these lectures:


These are a bit more advanced than things we covered.


Some of these are a bit more advanced than things we covered.